My Open Letter to Samsung: First Round Galaxy Gear Samsung Smart Watch or Else!

Samsung Smart Watch or Else! Note 2 will be chopped, while ran over..

Dear Samsung:

Its time to make a decision, but a simple one. Alienate your biggest fan and industry supporter or stay in a long term happy relationship.

I never thought it would come to this..Never.

I thought we had something, Samsung. I thought all those times I spent rushing to get to the mall for the newest Samsung device, or apps I built for your platform or heck more importantly  – all the time I tell my MDM asking clients  “SAFE Samsung. Nuff’ Said”.

But I sit here devastated wondering if I have to return all our wedding gifts.

Why you ask? So I waited and waited for my Note 2 to vibrate and for my invitation to buy or test the Galaxy Gear watch.. But it didnt. Did it get stuck in the mail or internet’s tubes? ::Cue the tears::

After all we have been through, how is it a good idea to “beta jilt” the Enterprise Mobility Bad Boy aka the guy who is rank one on Google for terms like Mobility Expert, Mobile App Expert and Mobile Enterprise Expert. Is it my size? Are my 11,000+ Mobile App Developers and CIO Twitter followers not enough?  I can shrink that for you!

Here is my simple demand to save this long term relationship.  If I don’t get my hands on the Galaxy Gear before the public, you will force me to not only blend my Samsung Note but will do this while running it over. Thats right, I need to one up the will it blend guys.

Then by ending our relationship, I will have to throw my following behind one of your competitors..

Did you hear that Windows and Apple? Yeah, Im the same guy who is starting the Enterprise Mobility Awards ::wink wink::

(Blackberry need not apply)


Hopefully – Forever yours,

Enterprise Mobility Bad Boy  (Daniel DiMassa)




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