Takeaway: Mobile is one of the fastest moving segments in the tech world. Follow these Twitter users to stay up-to-date on the latest developments.
Mobile Technology: Top Twitter Influencers to Follow
Source: Mpavlov/Dreamstime.com
Remember the days when everyone had a flip phone? The smaller the better, we used to say. Now, the opposite is true. With phones powering your house, social life and career, you can’t afford to fall behind in the mobile tech industry. Mobile has taken over fixed Internet, according to a recent study by ComScore.
To help you stay abreast on the latest happenings in this exciting market, we’ve compiled a list of Twitter users. This list is based on the people in the mobile technology industry who have the most revolutionary ideas and posts. Others trust them for news, information, and innovations.
Now you can too. Keep on top of this fast-developing upward trend with tips and 140-character insights from these Twitter users.
Did we miss somebody? Let us know.
Amy Groden-Morrison
This marketing tech frequently tweets about mobile tech, apps, analytics and life.
Andrew Borg
Vice president of BYOD and Enterprise Mobile Platform at Credit Suisse.
ARM Mobile
Official Twitter feed for ARM Mobile.
Benedict Evans
Always trying to stay ahead of the curve by figuring out what’s going on and what’s happening next in the mobile tech world. Blogs at ben-evans.com.
Daniel DiMassa
He’s ranked #1 as a mobile app expert and is a self-proclaimed enterprise app bad boy. He also blogs at EnterpriseAdoption.com.
Dawn Chmielewski
Mobile device and Apple writer for http://recode.net/.
Evangelos Simoudis
The senior managing director at Trident Capital and an investor in mobile technology. Blogs at corporateinnovation.co.
Official Twitter feed for mobile blog http://www.fonearena.com/blog/.
Francisco Jeronimo
Research Director for IDC in European Consumer Wireless and Mobile Communications.
GigaOM Mobile
Twitter feed from https://gigaom.com featuring the latest in mobile news.
Jason Spero
Google employee and mobility lover. Blogs at adwords.blogspot.com.
Lance Ulanoff
Editor-at-large at Mashable and overall tech expert. Blogs at lanceulanoff.com.
Mark Brill
Consultant, strategist and lecturer in mobile innovation. Blogs at brandsandinnovation.com.
Mobile Future
Official Twitter feed for Mobile Future, a coalition of technology and communication companies supporting the “wireless revolution.”
Mobile Marketing Association
Official Twitter feed for the Mobile Marketing Association, which aims to accelerate the transformation and innovation of marketing through mobile.
Oisin Lunny
Marketing manager at a mobile company, but the views he expresses on Twitter are his own. Blogs at oisinlunny.com.
Ojas Rege
VP of strategy at MobileIron and overall mobile tech influencer. Blogs at mobileiron.com/blog.
Peggy Anne Salz
Top 30 mobile influencer and chief analyst at Mobile Groove. Blogs at mobilegroove.com.
Phillippe Winthrop
Night or day, this mobile evangelist is tweeting about what’s happening in the industry. Blogs at theemf.org.
Priya Viswanathan
Mobile devices expert at http://mobiledevices.about.com/.
Raza Jaffri
Mobile commerce professional and serial entrepreneur. He has a keen interest in the banking, health and enterprise mobile industries.
Razvan Barbulescu
Lectures for IBM and regularly tweets about mobile technology.
Stephen diFilipo
Technology thought leader and early adapter.
Executive Vice President of Strategy at Millennial Media. Blogs athttp://www.theermann.com/blog/.
Tomi Ahonen
Mobile consultant, speaker and social media junkie. Blogs at communities-dominate.blogs.com.
Tom Daly
Head of mobile for Coca-Cola and traveling parent that offers advice. Blogs attravelingparent.com.
USA Today Mobile
USA Today’s feed for the latest in mobile technology news.