What is the Difference Between Android Holo vs Android L UI?

This is the best visual explanation for Android Holo vs Android L UI!

This was found on Reddit so I have no source sadly.

L is cleaner and I think its because Android will be moving to one design for all devices. But personally I do feel there is lots of wasted space.

  • So what are you development thoughts on Android Holo vs Android L UI?
  • Or what about an end user: Android Holo vs Android L UI?

If you need your android app updated to L give InnoviMobile a buzz! 646.588.011 x102



[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://m.c.lnkd.licdn.com/mpr/pub/image-0cDFQCHV7yLjC6_VuStdhnJvcYCXgoWJpcIWgpV5cw8pgDHx0cDWW0gVczv0Wov_jx4M/daniel-dimassa.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Daniel DiMassa is a mobile app expert with InnoviMobile and who’s twitter handle @TheDiMassa was named one of the top Influencers In Enterprise Mobility [/author_info] [/author]

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