What I picked up from Gartner Symposium…Without Being There! #GartnerSYM

Great people, times and seminars in Orlando this year with Gartner’s Symposium, but sadly some of us have to make award winning enterprise apps for our clients (And I didn’t fit in Alex’s carry on) 😉

So sitting in the office with a single tear rolling down my cheek, I followed the “party” on twitter and this is what I picked up:

  • In 2015, 70% of companies will be pursuing hybrid cloud strategies.
  • Over 20% of “smart” objects will be able to interact with a smartphone by 2018
  • Social for business has to: Be good for Community, Me and Company
  • “Notebooks are in the minority”
  • Less than 1/10 of businesses today have Chief Digital Officers, but this will change
  • Gartner predicts by 2018 70% of #mobile workers will use a tablet or tablet hybrid
  • 3 things to enterprise UX: Hyper and Constant Connectivity, Device Choices and Consumerization
  •  Gartner: 50% of surveyed CEOs say IT has a problem executing, only 10% of #CIOs agree
  • More than 50% of marketing new hires will have a tech background in 2013.
  • 3D Printing. About to get huge
  • Which type of #CIO are you? Infrastructure, Integration, Intelligence, or Innovation?

These are all from Twitterverse, please  check Twitter for exact original tweets, pics, links and authors.

See you at the next Gartner Symposium, virtually or not.


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