“We dont scream MEAP, MEAP, MEAP from the roof top” says Regev Yativ CEO of Magic Software | MEAP Comparison

This week I sat down virtually with CEO of Magic Software Americas (NASDAQ:MGIC) for their thoughts on the MEAP market, and to see what their product did differently. Regev Yativ, is CEO of Magic Software Enterprises Americas which is no stranger to the enterprise world. Magic has been around for 30 years and has been public since 1991.

• Thoughts on MEAP Market? Magic Software’s differentiator?

 “We are different, because we are better – but I’m biased.”  He said, as we chuckled he went on to say there are a couple of points.  “You can develop in any mode” or language. So HTML5, Native, Hybrid, etc. Where others I have researched have had one forced common code – Java, C#, so on.

“Ease of Deployment” says Regev, “it is very easy to move from one platform to another. Android to iOS for example”. Though, he does admit after converting it from one platform to another the code will need some tweaking. For example, as a result of the different features offered on each device, not all Android features are available on iOS and vice versa.

“Complex Integrations are made easy with Magic’s integration platform Magic xpi, that is bundled into the mobile offering so that your developers don’t break their necks trying to connect to complex databases of back end systems”

 • The app’s code – who owns it? (big issue with my readers)

 “You” he says proudly and followed it up with: “We provide the underlying tools and technologies and anything on top of that developed by you, is yours” as an example he states, “You are the artist, we provide the color palette. You can decide the drawing whether simple black and white or every color of the rainbow. But you own it”

• Target Market? Size of companies?

 “We have a much lower entrance point then others so a low entrance threshold.”

“Also, we don’t scream MEAP, MEAP, MEAP! From the roof top. Instead we relate to what business benefit you will get when using mobile apps and are here to facilitate that or solve challenges no matter the size big or small”

“There are even free tools online, so you can experiment with Magic xpa technology without buying – great for startups or new developers”

 • Top vertical markets you are in?

“Manufacturing and Logistics is first, then FBI as we call it. Financial, Banking and Insurance. Followed up with Healthcare industry.”

• What platforms are our customers developing for?

“iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows currently and we are waiting a little longer for Microsoft roadmap before we roll out Windows Phone support.”

• Do you sell direct only to Enterprises or to app developers as well?

 “Absolutely to developers in software houses too, they are our favorite!” We have thousands of partners worldwide. They have a Partner program he explained, and clarified that he wants each developer to excel their product. A great example mentioned was, overseas software houses that come here specializing in one mobile platform. “Now, here in America, there is no such thing as a have-to-use-blackberry or android. BYOD has taken over, the idea of developing an app for only one smartphone is now extinct.”


 “It ranges, from a very small business who spends $5000 to a very large enterprise or client that is in the millions.” He then went on to an example where a hospital needed a one off app made from scratch. No problem for Magic’s Professional Services, who can do it all. Regev had me laughing when he said the doctors called to say  “We are doctors not geeks! You do it for us…”

• What drives this success?

 This was the easiest question of the day for Mr.Yativ, where he very enthusiastically mentioned his teams and the pride they have. He couldn’t thank his staff enough.


If you want more? Come check out Regev speak at the E2 Conf in Boston, June 17-19. Or visit their website at MagicSoftware.com.



-Daniel DiMassa, Mobile Enterprise App Expert.

(ps. Come join Regev and I at E2Conf)

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