Mobile Biz Tweet Chat – 2/16 – Best part? Being nicknamed Enterprise Mobility Bad Boy

Enterprise Adoption Expert Daniel DiMassa
  • In case you missed it here is the last tweet chat for #MobileBiz
  • Of course unless @TheDiMassa or @VPmobility these tweets are not my own
  • Big thank you to all the enterprise mobility chatters, and go over to twitter and follow them
  • This was the day I was named, and a sweet logo for, Enterprise Mobility Bad Boy
  • #EnterpriseMobilityBadBoy : )


gcaughey RT @RobTiffany: 5 Steps to Containerize your Enterprise Mobile Apps #mobile #security #mobilebiz#enterprisemobility #tablet -7:56 AM Feb 16th, 2013

aradhaghi RT @RobTiffany: 5 Steps to Containerize your Enterprise Mobile Apps #mobile #security #mobilebiz#enterprisemobility #tablet -12:32 AM Feb 16th, 2013

r_adiit RT @RobTiffany: 5 Steps to Containerize your Enterprise Mobile Apps #mobile #security #mobilebiz#enterprisemobility #tablet -11:13 PM Feb 15th, 2013

mstrat RT @R_Tolksdorf#mobilebiz&IT contrib.: @Mob_Rulz,@ErnieHuber@Biz_Innovations@jhaggett , @mstrat , @biz_mobility,@Ph_Emmenegger@Cisco_Mobile #ff -9:37 PM Feb 15th, 2013

RobTiffany 5 Steps to Containerize your Enterprise Mobile Apps #mobile #security #mobilebiz#enterprisemobility #tablet -9:34 PM Feb 15th, 2013

bmkatz RT @jeffsussna@bmkatz would that be a #crAPI#mobilebiz< Or in some cases no API #bizmobile -2:44 PM Feb 15th, 2013

jeffsussna @bmkatz would that be a #crAPI#mobilebiz -2:43 PM Feb 15th, 2013

TheDiMassa Im compiling list – mobile terms/acronyms for MBA intern(nontech). Any1 want a copy when done? Have any? BYOD,EMM#mobilebizchat #mobilebiz -12:56 PM Feb 15th, 2013

bmkatz Great post which tie’s into yesterday’s #mobilebiz tweet chat…#mobilefirst apps != Mobileonly apps from USAA -10:49 AM Feb 15th, 2013

R_Tolksdorf #FF @alfombra06 @bmkatz @PaladorBenjamin@ErnieHuber @Cisco_Mobile THX for your thoughts+ the super conversation about #mobilebiz + the RTs -4:57 PM Feb 14th, 2013

awpiii @bmkatz Sorry I missed today’s #mobilebiz chat. We were out looking at large spacecraft. -4:25 PM Feb 14th, 2013

mmdubya RT @bmkatz#crapplications are born out of trying to go from PC -> #mobile vs the other way around…#mobilebiz -4:15 PM Feb 14th, 2013

PaladorBenjamin RT @R_Tolksdorf@alfombra06 @bmkatz@PaladorBenjamin @ErnieHuber By the way: #mobilebiz #fun#mobilefirst – everything is driven by a solid business case. -3:31 PM Feb 14th, 2013

R_Tolksdorf @alfombra06 @bmkatz @PaladorBenjamin @ErnieHuber By the way: #mobilebiz #fun #mobilefirst – everything is driven by a solid business case. -2:56 PM Feb 14th, 2013

R_Tolksdorf RT @alfombra06#FUN – Focus on User Need. The new#mobilebiz mantra. thx @bmkatz #mobilebiz -2:55 PM Feb 14th, 2013

R_Tolksdorf @Cisco_Mobile Many CIOs like MSFT,so I expect a mix of Win8pro Enterprise #mobilebiz solutions (ValueApps)+ Apple/Android portal/comm Apps. -2:50 PM Feb 14th, 2013

nigel_eccleston RT @Bitzer_Walt: A2: Orgs shouldn’t bother developing anything that isn’t optimized for #mobile at this point. #mobilebiz -2:25 PM Feb 14th, 2013

ErnieHuber @swarnapodila @bmkatz @paladorbenjamin Agree that was#FUN & by far craziest one yet. Must be a full moon in addition to V day. #mobilebiz -2:22 PM Feb 14th, 2013

alfombra06 #FUN – Focus on User Need. The new #mobilebiz mantra. thx @bmkatz #mobilebiz -2:06 PM Feb 14th, 2013

bmkatz @dionlisle I wholeheartedly agree – too bad many still don’t get it…they build apps without ever talking to the user #Mobilebiz -2:05 PM Feb 14th, 2013

DimStas RT @TheDiMassa: Mobile First = Clean. Nail the UI for mobile, then do the “easy” part of moving it to web. #mobilebiz -2:05 PM Feb 14th, 2013

bmkatz RT @dionlisle@bmkatz A1 Actually U focus on user needs regardless of digital channel, if mobile is best maybe only mobile? FUN!#mobilebiz -2:05 PM Feb 14th, 2013

Bitzer_Walt Thanks all! Enjoy your Valentine’s Day.. but not too much. 😉 > RT @bmkatz: Cant wait for next weeks #mobilebiz -2:04 PM Feb 14th, 2013

alfombra06 Bye everybody! #mobilebiz -2:03 PM Feb 14th, 2013

bmkatz Thanks everyone for participating in this week’s #Mobilebiztweet chat, can’t wait for next weeks…#Mobilebiz -2:03 PM Feb 14th, 2013

5 Steps to Containerize your Enterprise Mobile Apps … #mobile #security #mobilebiz#enterprisemobility #tablet

Followed by Phil Butler and 16 others


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