We all know the hectic life of enterprise app developers.
Lots of pressure, caffeine and darkened rooms with the glow of dual monitors.
So how do I keep fun and original ways to motivate enterprise app developers?
This month, with a crazy deadline Im starting a #Androibeard. This silly idea came after a friend was watching playoff baseball in Boston.
Yes – I, Mr. SuperCleanCut, am growing my first beard in 30 years. Not sure if it will be pretty but lets hope my Italian heritage helps out.
So keep and eye here and on Twitter for ::shivers:: some beard “selfies” along the way. The big enterprise app drop is Halloween day so I will be scratchy until then. Hmm ..maybe dye it neon Android Green or Halloween Orange if the team gets it done before hand.
Have any hints to motivate enterprise app developers of your own? Let me know on Twitter
::scratch scratch scratch::